The fleet of B-21 Raider stealth bombers could be larger than the 100 aircraft planned, hinted Kathy Warden, CEO of Northrop Grumman, which manufactures the 6th generation aircraft.
During a press conference about the third quarter results, Warden was asked if the savings on the NGAD program could mean more B-21s.
“I think that’s exactly what the Air Force is looking at,” the CEO said. “They are undertaking a force structure design review and the Secretary has been open about looking at the various options they have for increasing their force size, and has talked specifically about NGAD, and we know that B-21 is in the mix, as well.”
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The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program had explored the design of a new 6th generation air superiority fighter to replace the F-22 Raptor. However, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has suspended the program due to technological changes and the expected rising unit cost of each fighter.
The Air Force is now revising the requirements so that each aircraft costs no more than an F-35 (about $80 million), but there is a possibility that the entire scope will change in favor of unmanned combat aircraft.

Since the inception of the B-21 Raider program, the first 6th generation fighter aircraft, costs have been a key consideration, with a cap of $550 million per bomber in 2010 dollars.
The USAF plans to order at least 100 aircraft, which would be five times the size of the B-2 Spirit fleet. But given the changing global scenario and the growing threat from Russia and China, some are advocating a fleet of 200 to 250 B-21s.
Kathy Warden said Northrop Grumman is prepared to meet a larger order for the B-21. “In the short run, we remain very focused on delivering them optionality. The performance that we are delivering gives them a capability that is in production now that is well below the cost target for the platform,” she said.