The Portuguese Air Force (FAP) is close to concluding the acquisition of A-29N Super Tucano aircraft from Embraer, said the national defense minister, Nuno Melo, in a parliamentary hearing.
Melo did not detail quantities or a schedule, but that the government “is finalizing the implementation of an aircraft in the image of the KC-390 which has given great results, from the Embraer base with incorporated Portuguese technology, the Super Tucano aircraft.”
Portugal is the first external customer for the C-390 Millennium airlifter and has just received the second of five aircraft.
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The order for Super Tucano advanced training and light attack turboprops has been awaited for years following several rumors.
Last year, Embraer established a technical base in Portugal to develop the A-29N, a specific variant for NATO members.
The Brazilian manufacturer has subsidiaries in the European country that produce components for its aircraft, including the C-390.
The plan is for the Super Tucanos to be partially assembled in the country. The Portuguese minister also revealed that the aircraft has ideal characteristics for operating in Africa, where Portugal has several missions.

No orders since 2021
The acquisition of a close air support aircraft has already been foreseen in Portugal’s defense budget since 2023, but without making it clear that the Super Tucano turboprop is chosen.
There is, however, no information on the number of aircraft. Embraer has not closed a deal for the A-29 since 2021, when Nigeria ordered 12 planes through the United States government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.
In addition to Portugal, the company points to the Netherlands and Austria as potential customers for the Super Tucano.