A subsidiary of Embraer in Portugal, OGMA will provide maintenance and support services for the A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft, in addition to future modifications to the aircraft. The manufacturer did not disclose the value of the investment in adapting the Portuguese installation.
OGMA already provides logistical support to the Super Tucano demonstrator, which is based in Alverca, near Lisbon. The aircraft is used in events in Europe.
“We are following market developments for the A-29 Super Tucano and intend for OGMA to become a service center of excellence for the aircraft,” said Johann Bordais, President & CEO, Embraer Services and Support
According to Embraer, “Initially, OGMA will be certified for the A-29 maintenance, which aims to generate revenue in the provision of services to current customers, creating another immediate opportunity for OGMA to continue to grow, generating value in Portugal and strengthening the Portuguese Aeronautical Cluster.”
“In the next step, another opportunity will be open for the company associated with the A-29 modernization to respond to the future needs of its current operators.”

Introduced to the market in 2003, the Super Tucano has more than 260 aircraft delivered to 15 air forces around the world. Some of the main operators of the aircraft are countries in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa), such as Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Angola, which will be able to use the new support base at OGMA.
The advanced trainer and light attack aircraft, however, has no customers in Europe, unlike the EMB-312 Tucano, from which it originated.
The Portuguese Air Force is one of the potential interested in having the A-29, but so far there has been no formal agreement for a future order.