Embraer confirmed an agreement to supply six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to the Paraguayan Air Force on Tuesday in Farnborough.
The sale of turboprops had been expected since the beginning of the year when Paraguayan President Santiago Peña participated in a presentation of the Embraer aircraft.
Since then, the country’s government has sought to facilitate an agreement that must have financial support from Brazil’s development bank.
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According to Embraer, the first A-29 Super Tucano will be delivered in 2025 and will be used in various missions, ranging from armed reconnaissance, close air support, light attack and advanced training.
Paraguay has considered the Super Tucano as a reinforcement in the fight against drug trafficking and also to control its borders.

“We are honored by the Paraguayan Air Force (FAP) decision and very pleased to be able to announce more A-29 Super Tucano sales, which is a leading aircraft in the international market in its segment. We are confident that the A-29 meets the current and future needs of the FAP”, said Fabio Caparica, Commercial Vice President for Latin America at Embraer Defense & Security.
“To face emerging threats, we are in the process of modernizing our aerial and detection capabilities, and we intend to be up to the technological standards that allow us to correctly apply the measures established in the Law on Surveillance and Protection of Paraguayan Airspace in a to effectively contribute to the preservation of regional and international peace and security,” said Air General Júlio Rubén Fullaondo Céspedes, Commander of the Paraguayan Air Force.
Paraguay, which has been operating with the AT-27 Tucano for several decades, will continue deliveries of the A-29 that have not occurred since 2021.

That year, Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), an Embraer partner, sent the Super Tucano acquired by Nigeria under the United States government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.
Embraer, however, may close new orders for the aircraft for countries such as Uruguay, Ghana and Portugal, the latter already in negotiations to conclude an agreement for the A-29N version, specifically for use in NATO countries, the Atlantic Treaty Organization. North.