Embraer has been dealing with issues in the supply chain in addition to difficulties with Pratt & Whitney’s GTF engines, among other aspects, which end up impacting the production of its commercial jets.
In 2023, the situation persisted and may have had an impact on the rate of aircraft deliveries.
The company will reveal its final results for 2023 on January 30, including the order backlog for the 4th quarter, when it may be confirmed or not whether the target of delivering at least 65 jets was achieved – the most optimistic target would be 70 aircraft.
However, according to preliminary data collected by Air Data News, Embraer may have delivered 62 commercial aircraft last year, therefore very close to the established target.

The amount refers to jets that actually flew for its customers, and that appear in flight records. However, as is known, aircraft manufacturers often make deliveries only in documents even if the customer does not take their plane with them that day.
For this reason, it will not be surprising if Embraer has officially delivered a few more jets, but they remain parked at its facilities.
More E2 than E1 for the first time
What can be said is that at least 25 E175 and 37 E195-E2 were delivered last year. In the fourth quarter, Embraer would have delivered seven E175s and 16 E195-E2s, a smaller volume than in the same period of months in 2022.

Six E195-E2s were delivered to Azul Linhas Aéreas, four to Binter Canarias, four to KLM Cityhopper and 23 to Porter Airlines, the largest operator of E2 jets in the world.
As for the E175s, one E175 was sent to Envoy (American), eight to Horizon Air (Alaska), 13 to Republic Airways (United), two to SkyWest (Delta) and one to the African Overland Airways.
At least two E-Jets were very close to being delivered last year, an E190-E2 that was to be operated by Madagascar Airlines (leased from Azorra), but whose contract was terminated, and an E195-E2 for Royal Jordanian, the first of your order.

Even though it has officially managed to reach the goal, Embraer is still somewhat far from pre-Covid times, when the first generation of E-Jets had many orders.
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In 2016, for example, Embraer delivered 108 commercial jets, 90 of them the E175, very popular in the USA.
At least one prediction the Brazilian company has already got right: 2023 was the first year in which E2s surpassed deliveries of E1s.