Delivery of the first MC-21 jetliner will take place during the summer of 2022

The Russian commercial jet will enter service by Rossiya, which will receive four planes, according to the head of the UAC

The impact of the restrictions imposed on the supply of components for the MC-21 single-aisle jet meant a delay of about six months, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the Aviation21 website.

As a result, the 211-seat aircraft program produced by Irkut will only enter service in the second half of 2022. According to Yuri Slyusar, CEO of United Aircraft Corporation, the first MC-21 will be delivered to Rossiya Airlines in the summer of 2022.

“The newest Russian MC-21 medium-haul aircraft will start operating regular flights as early as 2022,” said the head of UAC in an interview with a Russian TV channel.

Four aircraft will be completed next year, when certification by Russia’s civil aviation authority is expected. The flight test program has been intensified, according to reports in the country.

In August, three of the four prototypes of the MC-21-300 variant, equipped with PW engines, completed more than 94 hours of flight. Besides them, there is also a test aircraft of the MC-21-310, which uses the Russian turbofan PD-14.

MC-21-310 test aircraft, equipped with the PD-14 turbofan (UAC)

The suspension of the supply of components for the MC-21 forced UAC to hire local companies to replace Western suppliers. One of the most critical points was the composite material wings, which ended up being taken over by the AeroComposite company.

The first set of wings was delivered in May and has already been installed on a series-production aircraft, which is expected to make its maiden flight in December.

Putin said in an August announcement that the MC-21 will occupy 57% of the domestic narrowbody market by 2030.