Embraer delivers nine commercial aircraft in the 3rd quarter of 2021

Airframer has closed only one contract to sell 16 E175 jets to SkyWest

Embraer ended the third quarter of 2021 with modest figures in commercial aviation. Only nine commercial jets were delivered, including six first-generation E175s and three E195-E2, the largest aircraft in the family.

The total is identical to that of the first quarter, but lower than that obtained in the second quarter, when the Brazilian company delivered 14 aircraft. In 2021, there are 32 commercial aircraft, 22 less than in the same period in 2019, when the Covid-19 pandemic had not yet emerged.

Among the orders, there is only an agreement with SkyWest, of the USA, which acquired another 16 first-generation E175 jets. The company’s backlog grew by seven aircraft, reaching 313 firm orders. Embraer stopped disclosing call options for the second quarter in a row.

21 business jets

In the executive aviation segment, Embraer delivered 21 jets. The main model delivered was the Phenom 300, with 14 planes, followed by the Praetor 600, with five units, and the Praetor 500, with two jets.

Deliveries of commercial aircraft in 2021

Var.36%-100% -33%1400%100%
*Same period of time in 2020