Airbus A220-300

Airbus and Canadian A220 workers fail to reach agreement on wages

Around 1,300 employees at the Mirabel factory, in Canadá, on Sunday refused the manufacturer’s second offer. Deliveries in March would have been limited to three aircraft

Airbus workers at the Mirabel plant in Canada rejected a second pay rise offer made by the company on Sunday.

Around 1,300 employees affiliated with the union The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers are in negotiations with the company in search of better working conditions in the facilities where the A220 commercial jet is produced.

According to the union, talks will continue on Monday.

The workers did not accept the first proposal made by Airbus. They complain that they made sacrifices when the European manufacturer sought to lower production costs for the aircraft, originally developed by Bombardier.

Without reaching an agreement, Airbus employees suggested the possibility of a strike or a reduction in the pace of work.

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In March, the company reportedly delivered just three aircraft to its customers, one A220-100 for ITA Airways and two A220-300 for JetBlue. Between January and February, Airbus delivered eight A220s.