The Swedish Air Force is expected to acquire up to four C-390 Millennium military transport planes from Embraer, Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo said.
According to the outlet, representatives from the governments of Brazil and Sweden will have a meeting on November 23 to discuss details of the agreement, which also includes the order of a second batch of Saab Gripen fighters for the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).
Talks between the two countries have been taking place since the beginning of the year. The FAB has already expressed its intention to expand its fleet of F-39E/F fighters, of which it ordered 36 units and last year enabled the inclusion of four more aircraft.
The Air Force Command, however, has considered this number low to defend the immense Brazilian territory. The second batch, however, depends on a legal arrangement to be included in the current contract.

According to Brazilian legislation, a contractual amendment cannot exceed 25% of the original value, which would in practice mean 14 more Gripens, reaching a fleet of 50 combat aircraft.
The Swedish Air Force, on the other hand, is studying the replacement of the C-130 Hercules and began purchasing used C-130J aircraft at the beginning of the year.
The rapprochement between Saab and Embraer, however, would have interrupted this movement, in favor of a mutual agreement.
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According to the outlet, Thursday’s meeting, which will also include the president of Saab, Micael Johansson, and Marcus Wallenberg, CEO of the Investor AB group, is not expected to seal an agreement yet, which is expected for 2024.