Major US and European carriers cancel flights to Israel amid conflict with Hamas

Ben Gurion International Airport remained open for landings and takeoffs on Sunday, following the surprise attack by the Palestinian terrorist group on Israel

Ben Gurion International Airport, in Tel Aviv, remained open for landings and takeoffs on Sunday, one day after the Hamas terrorist group’s surprise attack on Israel.

Despite this, most major airlines canceled their flights to the country. Among the carriers that have suspended their flights are American Airlines, Delta, United, Lufthansa and Air France-KLM.

The local airline El Al maintained its flights to serve passengers who intended to leave the country, but opened up the possibility of canceling or changing the tickets.

El Al and Delta aicraft in Tel Aviv airport (fabcom/CC)

US civil aviation authorities (FAA) and Israel have advised pilots flying into the country to exercise caution. The Israeli government closed airports in the south and center of the territory.

The FlightRadar24 showed a high rate of arrivals and, above all, canceled departures. Around 26% of landings had been canceled and 44% were delayed. Regarding takeoffs, 65% were delayed and 19% cancelled.

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However, it was possible to follow Ryanair, Virgin and Pegasus aircraft operating in Tel Aviv on Sunday afternoon.