Embraer took the C-390 Millennium to Nigeria for demonstrations

Airlifter was in the African country between the 27th and 30th of January, before heading to Riyadh, where the World Defense Show 2024 was held

Embraer demonstrated the C-390 Millennium to the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) before the aircraft flies to World Defense Show 2024, which took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

According to flight records, the KC-390 registration PT-ZNG (FAB2852) landed in Abuja on January 27 and remained in the African country for three days.

The visit to Nigeria served as a showcase for the aircraft for the local air force, which is evaluating a replacement for its old C-130H Hercules turboprops, received in 1975, an Embraer instructor pilot revealed to Janes.

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The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has only two C-130s in service and did not appear as a potential customer for the Brazilian transport aircraft.

Nigerian Air Force C-130H Hercules (NAF)

Embraer supplied A-29 Super Tucano light attack and training aircraft to Nigeria, which has 12 turboprops, received since 2021 via the United States government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.

Several potential customers in Africa

Millennium’s visit to Nigeria reveals yet another African country that is being approached by Embraer and its multi-role transport aircraft.

Until then, it was known about the interest of South Africa, Rwanda and Angola in the continent.

Nigerian Air Force Super Tucano (SNC)

For now, there are no C-390 customers in the region as the seven countries that have confirmed orders or purchase intentions are in Europe, Asia and South America.

Embraer is competing for orders in Sweden, Saudi Arabia and India, among other nations.